Digital Catalysis Research Group

DigiCat advances digital catalysis by openly sharing tailored tools for optimizing catalytic processes from atom to process. We bring together advanced physical models and cutting-edge ML and AI to derive knowledge from data.


Powering catalysis informatics with augmented data


Designing ready-to-synthesize catalysts


Optimizing catalyzed processes from atom to plant, from economics to socio-ecological impact.

Exploring the frontiers of digital catalysis

Pedro Mendes

Professor - Team Leader

Daniel Costa

PhD student - Papers2Data and Data2Catalysts

Heterogeneous Catalysis - Machine Learning - Data Extraction - LLMs (Large Language Models)

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Arij Ben Hassine

PhD student - Catalyst2Process

Sustainable Aviation Fuels - Catalytic Hydroconversion - Kinetic Modeling - Mixture Effects

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Thomas Hietala

PhD student - Catalyst2Process and Data2Catalysts

Multi-Scale and Multi-Objective Optimization - Sustainable Catalysts - Machine Learning

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Estevão Tibúrcio

PhD student - Catalyst2Process

Heterogeneous Catalysis - Natural Gas Dehydration - Adsorption Separation Process - Modeling Industrial Operational Problems - Adsorbent Aging

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Rita Assis Dos Santos

Intern - Papers2Data

LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) - ELN (Electronic Lab Notebook)

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Diogo Vilela

MSc student - Catalyst2Process

Renewable Energy Sources - Smart Grid - Optimization - Sensitivity Analysis

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Leonor Frazão


Helena Vendas


Open data in catalysis: from today's big picture to the future of small data

Open data in catalysis: from today's big picture to the future of small data

Guidelines on how to maximize the usefulness of data sharing and on how to make use of catalysis informatics tools to extract key information.

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Descriptor-property relationships in heterogeneous catalysis: Exploiting synergies between statistics and fundamental kinetic modelling

Descriptor-property relationships in heterogeneous catalysis: Exploiting synergies between statistics and fundamental kinetic modelling

By combining statistical machine learning methods with microkinetics modelling, the impact of catalyst properties on performance. Thereby, qualitative guidelines for designing more performant OCM catalysts were inferred.

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From powder to extrudate zeolite-based bifunctional hydroisomerization catalysts: on preserving zeolite integrity and optimizing Pt location

From powder to extrudate zeolite-based bifunctional hydroisomerization catalysts: on preserving zeolite integrity and optimizing Pt location

The impact of scale-up in bifunctional catalysts was unveiled. Zeolite properties can now be kept and Pt location optimized to maximize catalyst performance.

Open data in catalysis: from today's big picture to the future of small data

Open data in catalysis: from today's big picture to the future of small data

Guidelines on how to maximize the usefulness of data sharing and on how to make use of catalysis informatics tools to extract key information.

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Descriptor-property relationships in heterogeneous catalysis: Exploiting synergies between statistics and fundamental kinetic modelling

Descriptor-property relationships in heterogeneous catalysis: Exploiting synergies between statistics and fundamental kinetic modelling

By combining statistical machine learning methods with microkinetics modelling, the impact of catalyst properties on performance. Thereby, qualitative guidelines for designing more performant OCM catalysts were inferred.

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From powder to extrudate zeolite-based bifunctional hydroisomerization catalysts: on preserving zeolite integrity and optimizing Pt location

From powder to extrudate zeolite-based bifunctional hydroisomerization catalysts: on preserving zeolite integrity and optimizing Pt location

The impact of scale-up in bifunctional catalysts was unveiled. Zeolite properties can now be kept and Pt location optimized to maximize catalyst performance.

Bifunctional Intimacy and its Interplay with Metal-Acid Balance in Shaped Hydroisomerization Catalysts

Bifunctional Intimacy and its Interplay with Metal-Acid Balance in Shaped Hydroisomerization Catalysts

For shaped, industrial-like catalysts, the simultaneous requirement for nanometric metal-acid sites intimacy and adequate metal-acid balance was established. Only by optimizing these two key properties, maximal catalytic performance can be achieved

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  • Avenida Rovisco Pais 1, Lisboa, Portugal